The roles determine the permissions granted to a user. For example, the types of records they can access, the tabs they can see and the actions they can perform depends on the roles they've been assigned to.
The following table shows all the roles available in enableHR, and can only be assigned by a user with an AccountAdmin role.
NOTE: Roles with (*) can only be assigned by enableHR
Roles with (**) are only applicable to clients using Meridian
Role | Description |
Approver - Position | This role is used to identify Users that are allowed to approve Candidate Positions. |
AccountAdmin | Permission to update the settings for an account, including adding new users and branches and updating user access. This role should be limited to users that have permission to see all information in an account (including private, personal and financial data). |
Bulk Launch Checklists | This role allows the user to bulk launch checklists and bulk launch tasks within those checklists. |
ContractorManagement | Access to all features of the Contractor Management module within their account Important Information: This role is assignable by an Account Administrator. Once assigned the user granted the role will have access to the Contractor Management module. This action may result in additional licence fees being charged to your account. Please contact us if you would like to discuss the impact to your account. |
EmployeeManagement | Access to all features of the Employee Management module within their account. |
EmployeeManagement-(No Docs or Notes) | Reduced access to Employee Management module within their account but no access to Candidate/Employee Documents Tab or Notes Tab. |
EmployeeManagement-(No Docs, Notes or Checklists) | Reduced access to Employee Management module within their account but no access to Candidate/Employee Documents Tab, Notes Tab or Checklists Tab. |
EmployeeManagement (No access to contracts) | Access to all features of the Employee Management module within their account except for Employment Contract(s). |
GrievanceManagement | Access to all features related to Grievances records and tabs. |
*LimitedUserTabsOnly | This user can see the employment related tabs only - no employee or candidate files. |
*MultiBranch Per Record | This role is designed to allow clients to be able to link a record to multiple branches. |
Online Performance Review Admin (OPR) | Users with this role will have access to the Performance Review Administration functionality. |
OPR Notifications | Users with this role will be automatically assigned a task when an Online Performance Review has been completed. |
Payroll Documents | Grants the user access to Payroll and Finance type documentation listed against the records. |
Payroll Tab | (Xero connection active) Grants access to the Payroll tab (and all sub-tabs) for employee and candidate records |
Payroll Tab (leave only) | (Xero connection active) Grants access to the Payroll > Leave tab only within the employee record |
**Payroll Staging | Users with this role have the ability to push candidate data to Meridian. |
Position Management | Position Management Access. |
Reporting |
This role is designed to provide selected users with the permission to run reports (except for the Record Export CSV report). |
*Restricted Notes and Documents | Holders of this role have the permissions required to create and access restricted notes, they also have the permissions required to create and access documents of the type 'Sensitive'. |
*SEEKAPIAccess | Process access to SEEK Integration to import candidates from applications. |
SelfService Admin | Access to the Staged Records Appovals and Self Service Messaging options for Self Service. |
TrainingManagement | Users with this role have access to the training and qualifications features within their account. |
View Sensitive Notes | This role allows a user to view and print notes that have been flagged as "Sensitive" by another user in the notes section of a record. |
VolunteerManagement | Access to all features of the Volunteer Management module within their account Important Information: This role is assignable by an Account Administrator. Once assigned the user granted the role will have access to the Volunteer Management module. This action may result in additional licence fees being charged to your account. Please contact us if you would like to discuss the impact to your account. |
WHS (Legacy) | Access to all features of the WHS module within their account. |
WHS Administrator | Use in addition to WHS Management role. Provides access to all the features of WHS. This role is for users who manage WHS for the organisation as a whole. |
WHS Administrator (Legacy) | Admin access to the WHS portal. |
WHS Approver | Assign this role to enableHR users who have authority to approve WHS Policies and other processes. Usually this role would be given to an "officer". |
WHS Approver (Legacy) | This role is used for instances when approval is required for WHS tasks or actions. Ie. engaging a suitably qualified professional/consultant will come at a cost, this role would identify those that could approve such expenditure. |
WHS Health Surveillance | Users with this role get access to the Health Surveillance Register and the Health Monitoring Checklist - note gives access to sensitive health information. |
WHS Management | Provides access to the WHS module. Best suited for a manager, site manager, team leader. |
WHS Notification | Users with this role will receive notification when new hazards or incidents are submitted via eSS. Note: you need to have access to a branch to be notified about incidents or hazards related to that branch. |
WHS Notifications (Legacy) | WHS Notifications. |
enableHR Self Service Roles
eSS Role | Description |
eSS Candidate | This role will be assigned to Candidates that are provisioned an eSS account during the Hiring/Pre-Employment process. |
eSS Candidate(C) | This role will be assigned to Contractor Candidates that are provisioned a Self Service account during the Contractor Recruitment process. |
eSS Candidate(V) | This role will be assigned to Volunteer Candidates that are provisioned a Self Service account during the Volunteer Recruitment process. |
eSS Contractor | Standard access for Contractors in their Self Service system. |
eSS Employee | Standard access for Employees in their Self Service system. |
eSS Person | This role will be assigned to 'Other People' who are provisioned an eSS account. |
eSS Volunteer | This role will be assigned to Volunteers that are provisioned an eSS account. |
*KeyPay Payroll Details (eSS) | Can view KeyPay fields in the "Payroll Details" tab in eSS. |
WHS eSS | Use this role for workers who need to have access to new WHS module in eSS. |
WHS eSS (Detailed Hazard and Incident Reporting) | This role is to be used in addition to the [WHS eSS] role to give additional permissions to see all Incident/Hazard Custom Fields when reporting in eSS. |
Roles for Partners
Partner Role | Description |
Partner | Standard user in a Partner account. Can access the partner demo, dashboard and authorised clients. |
PartnerAdmin | Administration of Partners. eg. create partners and modify their access. |
Should there be any permission that you would like to achieve and is not listed above, then that will count as a custom role, which comes with a cost. Please contact the Customer Success for more information.