Assumed reading: How can I create a new User and authorise levels of access?
This article is designed to provide Account Administrators the ability to give limited, full, or, no access to the employee payroll tab.
There has been a new user security enhancement added to our software in which all accounts with Xero connected will be able to restrict which of their core platform users should be able to view and manager the employee record's bank, super, tax and leave information.
These payroll details are all found under the employee's 'Payroll' tab. See 9.17 enableHR Tactical Release (28 March 2021) for further background information.
Please note: In order for the payroll field to show, you need to have first connected your Xero account to your enableHR account. See this article on steps for how this can be completed: How do I authorise the Xero & enableHR relationship
Provide a user with full access to the payroll details
Role: Payroll Tab
Any user with the Payroll Tab user security role will be able to view and manage the employee's payroll details. This will provide access to all the payroll tabs.
Please note: The user profile will need to also have one of the Employee Management roles added to their user profile too, see here for a list of employee management roles that you could provide your managers: User access roles
Provide a user with limited access, leave only
Role: Payroll Tab (leave only)
Any user with the Payroll Tab (leave only) user security role will be able to view and manage the employee's payroll details. This will provide access to all the payroll tabs.
Please note: The user profile will need to also have one of the Employee Management roles added to their user profile too, see here for a list of employee management roles that you could provide your managers: User access roles
Provide a user with no access to employee payroll details
Simply do not provide any of the above user access roles to the user profile and the manger will not be able to see the payroll tab.
Example below has 'EmpolyeeManagement' user access role only.
Please note that this also applies to 'Account Admin' users that do not have the 'Payroll Tab' user access role.