Competencies - How to Import Competencies to create your Library, Assign Competencies to Workers and Add Achievement Data

View our Training and Qualifications - Overview for more information on the functionality available to you. To assist you with setting up Training and Qualifications in full, please see Training & Qualifications - How to Set Up.


Overview of Importing Competencies, Assigning them and Adding Achievement Data

Aside from manually creating competencies, assigning the competencies to your workers' records and completing all the relevant achievement details, you can use an importer to save more time in managing these tasks.

You can use the importer to simultaneously import all of these details in one go, or you can use the same importer at multiple stages to update the relevant details. 

Only users with either the "AccountAdmin" or "Training Management" role can import competencies into enableHR. Depending on which role you have, there are different ways to access the import page for competencies:

How to Access the Importer

Users with "Training Management" role

  1. Navigate to your Settings
  2. Click Training and Qualifications
  3. Navigate to the Tools tab
  4. Click Import


Users with "AccountAdmin" role

Option A:

1. Navigate to Actions

2. Click Integrations and Importers

Integrations and Imports.png

3. Select the third icon 'Import information from an Excel spreadsheet'

4. Select the 'Import competency information' option

Competency Importer.png

Option B:

1. Follow the steps above for a user with "Training Management" role.


How to import competencies to your workers' records in bulk

1. Navigate to the import page using the steps outlined above, depending on your User Access Role

2. From the right hand side, click and download "Example Competency Spreadsheet with achievement data.xlsx".

3. Prepare and complete the downloaded spreadsheet.

NOTE: Column N (External ID) on the spreadsheet refers to the unique identifier of your worker's record. You need to generate the Record Export CSV Report to get this information. Below is an example of the Record Export CSV Report:


4. Click "Select file" and select the completed spreadsheet from your computer.

5. Click "Upload".

6. Once the spreadsheet has passed automatic checks, click "Proceed to Import".


Next Steps

Your next steps will depend on which data you have just uploaded through the importer. We suggest reading Training & Qualifications - How to Set Up to assess which step to take next. 


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