Competencies - How to Import a Competency Library into enableHR

Only users with either "AccountAdmin" or "Training Management" role can import competencies into enableHR. 

If you want to import your Competency Library and import your Employee's Achievement Data for the Competencies, please follow the steps in the Competencies - How to Import Competencies and Achievement Data to a Worker Record article. 

Depending on which role you have, there are different ways to access the import page for competencies:

Users with "AccountAdmin" role

Users with "Training Management" role

Option A:

  1. Navigate to "Actions" tab.
  2. Click "Integrations".
  3. Click the third icon - "Import information from an Excel spreadsheet".
  4. Next, select Import competency.


Option B:

1. Follow the steps on the right for a user with "Training Management" role.

Below are the steps:
  1. Navigate to "Settings" tab.
  2. Click "Training Management".
  3. Click "Tools".
  4. Click "Import".





Below are the steps on how to import your organisation's competencies in enableHR system:

1. Navigate to the import page (please see the above table).

2. From the right hand side, click and download "Example Competency Spreadsheet.xlsx".


3. Prepare and complete the downloaded spreadsheet.

4. Still the same page, click "Select file" and select the completed spreadsheet from your computer.

5. Click "Upload".


6. Once the spreadsheet has passed automatic checks, click "Proceed to Import".



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