Your Checklist to Getting Started with Self Service (eSS)

Before you get started, have you read our Overview of employee Self Service (eSS)?

Click here to view a capability demonstration of eSS!

Every organisation holds a slightly different motive, and therefore agenda, for launching eSS to their workers. For best practice, we recommend that you have completed your enableHR Account Setup in full, prior to launching eSS to your workers. We also understand that this isn't always possible, and you may have a particular reason to launch eSS before every element of your enableHR account is set up.

This article will guide you through the essential, highly recommended and recommended steps that you need to take prior to launching eSS. 

Step 1 - Email Addresses for your Workers

You will need to ensure that all staff have an email address stored against their record in enableHR. The email address can be stored against either the 'work' or 'personal' email fields for Employees, Contractors and Volunteers.

You can check this by pulling a Record Export CSV report from enableHR to identify any workers who are missing email addresses.

If your Worker doesn't have an email address, they can use their Employee ID to register for eSS.

Step 2 - Check uploaded Documents for visibility in eSS 

If you have uploaded your company HR documents, employee, contractor or volunteer documents (Step 4 and 5 in enableHR Account Setup: Getting you up and running), you might want to check you are happy with the document Types and Status of these documents and whether they are visible in eSS.

 - What documents are visible in eSS?

Step 3 - For your Management Users, check their Roles, Alerts and Subscriptions

The Managers within your business are generally users of core enableHR and use the system in order to manage a range of employment matters through the use of our compliant checklists and documentation in relation to their staff.

Managers are kept informed as to when their staff has completed certain actions and tasks within eSS if they are assigned any of the following roles:

  • AccountAdmin
  • EmployeeManagement
  • ContractorManagement
  • VolunteerManagement
  • OPR Role
  • WHS Role

Managers will receive notifications only for the staff that are assigned to the Manager's branch. You will need to review each Manager's user roles and branch access to ensure that they will receive the correct notifications.

Step 4 - Review the two different ways you can launch eSS

There are two main ways to launch eSS to your workers, you will need to decide which is the best method depending on your circumstances. 

 - How to Launch for Users to Register for eSS



HIGHLY RECOMMENDED STEPS (In addition to the Essential Steps above)
Step 5 - Create a 'Welcome to eSS' Message

You can create a message that your Workers will see on their Noticeboard when they first login to eSS. 

This message should contain information about what you would like them to do initially in their eSS portal and who to contact at your organisation if they require assistance.

Sugested actioans they could compelte when they first login include: 

Step 6 - Communicate with your Workers, preparing them for the launch of eSS
Using your usual communication channel, let your workers know that you are going to be launching eSS. The communication could provide an overview of eSS, how your business intends for it to be used, FAQ materials, how to register, what to do when they first log in and who to go to with any questions.


RECOMMENDED STEPS (In addition to the Essential and Highly Recommended Steps above)
Step 7 - Upload Company HR Documents and Worker Documents

It's a good idea to populate your enableHR account with as much company and worker documentation as you can, prior to launching eSS. This will give your workers a really good understanding of what they will be able to access through their eSS portal. 

There are 3 main things that will determine whether a document is visible to your workers in eSS:

 - Where the document is located

 - The document Type

 - The Status of the document

 - What documents are visible in eSS?

Step 8 - Training and Qualifications
Workers can create, manage and update their own competencies, training and qualifications through their eSS portal. This step isn't essential to launch eSS, but you may find it beneficial. You may have already completed this as Step 6 in enableHR Account Setup: Getting you up and running

If you haven't yet completed this part of your setup, you could create your Competency Library as a first step prior to launching eSS. This will enable your workers to enter and upload their own data.

As part of the launch you might require each worker to review their current training and qualifications and update any licenses or certificates that may have expired.

Overview of the Training & Qualifications Functionality


Get Ready to Launch!

Once you have completed the relevant steps in this article for your organisation, you can launch eSS to your Workers - How to Launch for Users to Register for eSS


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