User Access Control via Roles

enableHR users have access Roles assigned to them which dictate what aspects of the system they can access. There are five standard roles in enableHR. Each of these roles are explained below:

  • Employee Management: a user with this role can access the employee management module
  • Contractor Management: a user with this role can access the contractor management module
  • Volunteer Management: a user with this role can access the volunteer management module
  • WHS: a user with this role can access the WHS module
  • Account Admin: a user with this role can access the settings for the account including users,  branches and general account details.

Users can be assigned one or multiple roles. An HR manager for example, would be assigned all of the above roles whereas a user who does not have security clearance to view personnel files but who is responsible for entering in WHS details would be assigned the WHS User role and would not able to view anything else.

Click here to see the full list of User Access Roles available in enableHR with their description. 

In addition to Roles, a user's access to enableHR can be controlled by branches, the organisation chart, their linked record, blacklisting and document types. Click here for a full overview of the User Access Controls available to you. 


How to update User Access Control via Roles

If you need to create a new User, click here

1. Click on Settings (top right corner) and then click on Usernames and Passwords

2. Click on the user name and the details will appear to the right

3. Click on the Access Control tab (1), then Roles/Permissions (2). Click Edit (3) and tick the roles you want to assign to this user. Update the record. 


If you have created a new User, don't forget to give them access to the branches you want them to see. 

For new and existing Users, don't forget to check the other Access Control settings available to you: Overview of User Access Controls