Training and Qualification Documents - How to Upload or Attach them to Competencies

Before reading this article, have you read the overview for Training and Qualifications and how to set it up?

Overview of Documents Associated with Competencies

In most instances, you are likely to want to record the details of a competency so these can be easily visible against a worker's record, easily updated and so they can be included in reporting. Most competencies are likely to a have an associated document e.g. a drivers license, a police check, or a qualification certificate. To ensure the best use of the training and qualifications functionality, we recommend linking the associated document directly to the competency on the worker's record. 

For a competency that is assigned to a worker's record, you can upload or attach an associated document to the competency.

When a document is linked to the competency, you can choose to use only the expiry date of the competency, rather than adding an expiry date to the document if you want to. You may make this decision due to your company structure, or your Users and their subscription to alerts. (The alerts for documents and training & qualifications are separate). 


If the associated document has not been uploaded to the worker's record yet, you have two options:

  • Upload a document directly onto the competency.
  • Upload multiple documents to a worker/s record at once, then attach the document to the competency (below). 

If the associated document is already uploaded to the worker's record, you will need to:

  • Attach the document to the competency.


Upload a document directly onto the competency

1. Navigate to the Training Tab on the Workers Record

2. Click Update on the competency you want to attach the document to

Competency - Update.png

3. Select Upload document

Competency - Upload a document.png

4. Select the file you want to upload from your computer

5. Update the Title

6. Select the relevant Document Type

7. Click Submit


Upload multiple documents to a worker/s record at once, then attach the document to the competency

1. Navigate to Actions

2. Select Bulk Upload

3. Choose and complete one of the bulk document upload methods, you can see an overview of the two methods here.

4. Complete the steps below to attach a document to the competency


Attach a document to a competency 

1. Navigate to the Training Tab on the Workers Record

2. Click Update on the competency you want to attach the document to

Competency - Update.png

3. Select Attach document

Competency - Attach a document.png

4. Select the document from the list of the Worker's Documents

5. Click Submit


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