enableHR Software Release Notes 2024.02.02


Emergency Contact details showing on 'email this record'


When ‘Email these Details’, option is used on any employee record it should be including the emergency contact fields too along with other fields on the screen while sending an email to the end user.

Emergency contact details were not present on the email when user tries to use the ‘Email these Details’ option on the screen.



Both primary and secondary standard emergency contact details are now included in the email when ‘Email these Details’ option is used by account administrator.


Emergency Contact details showing on 'print this record'


When ‘Print this record’, option is used on any employee record it should include the emergency contact fields too along with other fields on the screen while generating a print file.

Emergency contact details were not present on the print file when user tries to use the ‘Print this record’ option on the screen.


Both primary and secondary standard emergency contact details are now included in the print file when ‘Print this record’ option is used by account administrator.

Other Fixes

  • Security updates