Integrating with CloudPayroll - FAQ




CloudPayroll is a leading provider of cloud-based payroll solutions developed for Australian businesses. Their solution is suitable for a small business with one employee up to an enterprise business with several hundred employees, a group of businesses and franchise, in any industry.

This article lists a number of frequently asked questions that have when setting up the integration between enableHR/HRA and CloudPayroll.


How does it work?

The integration allows enableHR/HRA clients in Australia to sync their employee data between enableHR and CloudPayroll through integration Hub (iHUB). Our integration will sync employee’s personal, employment, payroll, bank, superannuation and tax data from enableHR/HRA to CloudPayroll.

The below are the pre-requisites to enable integration between both the systems.

  • Setup account in enableHR
  • Setup account in CloudPayroll
  • Customer have to sign the "Use of enableHR API and Other Integration Services" authorisation form to allow CloudPayroll to access the unmasked TFN details. Please reach to for further details.

How can I setup the integration?

Integration can be setup through Integration Hub (iHUB - portal by account admins itself. 

EnableHR's Customer Services team can help you setup the initial iHUB access, after that account admins can manage the integration by themselves to setup the connection, run/schedule job and to view the details of the data synced from enableHR/HRA to CloudPayroll. To learn more about iHUB refer this article.

I have an issue and an employee record is not syncing, who do I contact?

You can view the integration details and any data synchronisation issues under the 'Reports' section in iHUB.

If you are unable to resolve the issue, your first point of contact for assistance is the enableHR's Customer Services Team. We recommend reaching out to them at

Is it a 2-way integration?

Its a one-way integration that sends data from enableHR/ HRA to CloudPayroll. See the notes below for the mapped fields and limitations


Is there a fee to use the integration?

The enableHR Customer Services Team will advise you on any costs based on your subscription. 

Is it automated?

Once the integration is setup and the connector job is scheduled the integration happens automatically at set intervals. If there is a need to sync the data outside of scheduled run, you can run the integration job manually to immediately sync the data between both the systems. 


I’m in New Zealand, is this available to me?

CloudPayroll product is for Australia Payroll processing, the corresponding New Zealand one is iPayroll which will be available in upcoming releases.


Is there anything this integration cannot support?

  • Employee’s with only one bank account in enableHR/HRA can be synced with CloudPayroll as it can accept only one bank account. When there is more than one accounts exists in enableHR/HRA, during the sync we generate an error message ‘More than one bank account exists for the employee. Cannot proceed with exporting this employee'.
  • Employee’s with only one Superannuation fund in enableHR/HRA can be synced with CloudPayroll. When there exists more than one superannuation record for an employee either in enableHR or CloudPayroll, instead of creating/updating this information we generate an error message as 'Employee has more than one Superannuation record in enableHR/HRA, please add this information manually in CloudPayroll'.
  • Terminations (Finish Date and Termination Reason in CloudPayroll) are not added/updated through this connector. When there exists an employee with ‘Terminated’ status and ‘End date’ in enableHR and no ‘Finish Date’ in CloudPayroll a warning message in Job detail report as ‘Finish Date needs to be updated in CloudPayroll for this employee’.
  • When any data is cleared in enableHR/HRA for any fields that were previously synced with CloudPayroll, the integration job cannot clear the same on CloudPayroll. CloudPayroll API doesn’t allow to clear(nullify) fields through their API.
  • Withholding variation tax details can not be sent to CloudPayroll through integration as CloudPayroll needs more information about which pay elements this specific rate to be applied, we decided not to send this information from enableHR. During such instances generates warning message as 'Tax Withholding variation details to be handled manually in CloudPayroll'.

Field Mapping:

* Mandatory fields necessary to create an employee in CloudPayroll

enableHR Field

CloudPayroll Field


First Name* First Names (S)  
Last Name* Sur Name  
Preferred Name Preferred Name  
Date of Birth* Date of Birth  
Email Email Address

1st preference Work email address

2nd preference Personal email (when work email doesn’t exist)

Hours Per Week* F.T Hrs/Week  
Gender* Gender

EnableHR → CloudPayroll

Male → Male

Female → Female

Non Binary → Intersex/Indeterminate

Not Stated → Not Stated

Pay Schedule* Pay Frequency

EnableHR → CloudPayroll

Weekly → W

Fortnightly → F

Monthly → M

Twice_Monthly → B

Mobile Phone Phone Number  
Commencement Date* Start Date  
Branch* State Employee’s Home Branch’s setup → Contact → State is used 
Position Title Job Title  
BSB  & Account Number* BSB / Account  

Combination of multiple fields in Tax Details *

Tax Free Threshold Claimed

Exempt Type

Residency Status

Tax File Number

Income Type

Tax Scale Type

Senior's Marital Status

Tax Scale

enableHR → CloudPayroll

Tax Free Threshold Claimed’ is ‘false’ → ONE

Tax Free Threshold Claimed’ is ‘true’ → TWO

Residency Status' is 'Foreign Resident’ → THREE

Tax File Number’ is empty, ‘Exempt Type’ should not be NULL and ‘Residency Status' is 'Australian Resident’ → FOUR_A

Tax File Number’ is empty, ‘Exempt Type’ should not be NULL and ‘Residency Status' is either ‘Foreign Resident’ or 'Working Holiday Maker’ → FOUR_B

'Income Type' or ‘Residency Status' is 'Working Holiday Maker’ → H

Tax Scale Type’ is ‘Actors, variety artists and other entertainers’ and ‘Tax Free Threshold Claimed’ is ‘true’ → A_ACTOR

Tax Scale Type’ is ‘Actors, variety artists and other entertainers’ and ‘Tax Free Threshold Claimed’ is ‘false’ → B_ACTOR

Tax Scale Type’ is ‘Seniors and Pensioners' and ‘Senior's Marital Status’ is ‘Single’ → SINGLE

Tax Scale Type’ is ‘Seniors and Pensioners' and ‘Senior's Marital Status’ is ‘Couple’ → MEMBER_OF_A_COUPLE

Tax Scale Type’ is ‘Seniors and Pensioners' and ‘Senior's Marital Status’ is ‘Illness-Seperated Couple’ → ILLNESS_SEPARATE

Not possible to Identify through enableHR → FIVE, SIX, W, CONTRACTOR_VOLUNTARY

StudyTraining and Support Loan HELP, VSL, FS, SSL or TSL Debt?  
Tax Free Threshold Claimed Tax Free Threshold 

EnableHR → CloudPayroll



Employment Basis Employee Type  
Street Address Address Line 1 Personal address from enableHR is first preference, if not exists use the mailing/postal address.
Street Address Address Line 2  
suburb suburb  
State State  
Post Code Post Code  
Employment Basis* Employment Basis

EnableHR → CloudPayroll

Full Time → FULLTIME

Part Time → PARTTIME

Casual → CASUAL

Labour Hire → LABOUR_HIRE

Super Income Stream → OTHER

Residency Status* Residency Status

EnableHR → CloudPayroll

Australian Resident → AUSTRALIAN

Foreign Resident → FOREIGN

Working Holiday Maker → WORKING_HOLIDAY

Tax Scale Type* Tax Treatment

EnableHR → CloudPayroll

Regular → REGULAR

Horticultarits or Shearers → NONE

Actors, variety artists and other entertainers → ACTORS

Seniors and Pensioners → SENIORS

Working Holiday Maker → WORKING_HOLIDAY


* = Required Fields