Documents - How to send to your workers

There are multiple ways that you can send documents from enableHR to your employees, candidates, contractors and volunteers. 

The method that you use will depend on whether the document is a company document or a document that is specific to an individual worker. 

For documents to be visible to workers in eSS, they need to be uploaded to enableHR as an eSS compatible document type


Company Documents

To send company documents to your workers, you will utilise eSS Messaging. You can choose whether to send eSS Messages to your whole company, specific branches or individual eSS Users. You can also segment the type of worker that you are sending the eSS Message to.

The document will need to be uploaded to the General Docs or Policies Tab before being able to send via eSS Messaging. You can also send documents that have been uploaded within the Work Health and Safety Module. 


Employee, Candidate, Contractor and Volunteer Documents

To send a document that is specific to an individual, you will send it directly from the document. The document will need to be uploaded to the worker's Documents tab. You will have the choice whether to send the document to the individual via an eSS task or as an email.  We generally recommend sending documents as an eSS Task rather than an email.