enableHR Tactical Release 2022.02.21


WHS Managers/Administrators able to access some of Employee Dashboard

Background (ENAB-3729)

We have dashboard graphs for both Employee Management details and WHS Management.


Access to these dashboards was not restricted to user permissions as expected.


We updated the Dashboard code to ensure that the dashboard will only appear for the correct users with the correct user permissions.

Which means that if the user has access to WHS module AND reporting permission, they will see the WHS dashboard only


Errors loading invoices/statements

Background (ENAB-5073)

Some clients advised of issues loading invoices/statements from the Commercial > Payment Information > Invoices tab



We found that a small handful of clients somehow had invoices processed with a blank transaction, which was not expected from our code - at least there should be a $0 amount.

We updated our invoice/statement code to ensure that we can encounter blank transaction invoices without blocking the user from downloading any of the past or present invoices.

Document download checkbox displaying at all times

Background (ENAB-3570)

We created a 'Bulk Download' functionality where users can select the documents in bulk by selecting the documents and clicking the download X documents buttonmceclip2.png


We updated our code to remove the bulk download tool whenever a customer is not in the default document listing page/s.

Now all the screens where a user can select a document to send out to an employee, will not have this download X documents button and the checkboxes. This will only show on the document listing tabs which should reduce any confusion for our users when selecting and sending documents.

Positions not copied across when merging records

Background (ENAB-3768)

When a worker record has a position added to their record, a new tab appears on their record and a line entry is added to this tab.


There was unusual behaviour where if a record was merged into another record, the position tab and its contents were not consistently updating on the newly merged record.


We have updated the code to always add any existing position data to the newly merged worker record.


If there are existing positions on the record, these will be added to the Position tab in top-down order with the most recent data from the source merging record - adding to the bottom of the list.

  • This release included a large number of security related fixes
  • Other maintenance tasks completed this cycle


Hub level users can now manage training and qualification at the hub level

Background (ENAB-4802)

Hub users can make changes to content specific to a hub, however, they were not able to update the training and qualifications - as expected.



  • any changes to these training competency was applied only to training competencies created within that hub

  • any changes to these training role was applied only to training roles created within that hub

  • any changes to these training competency and training role also update in the accounts within the hub 

Competency default DOC TYPES can be set for each competency

Background (ENAB-5067)

When eSS documents are uploaded against a competency, by default they will always upload as a TRAIN document type.

Our clients wanted to be able to set certain document types based on the competency type that the administrators had selected. So we added the configuration option from the Training and Qualification Administration area when creating a competency.


Now administrators are able to set the DOC Type for any documents the worker uploads in their self service for the specific competency.


You can also see Competency Uploaded Document Types for further information