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Competency Uploaded Document Types


Clients can now choose certain document types, when their users upload documentation of their completed skills/competencies.

Based on the field that is changed in the training administration screen, we have provided the ability for the user to pick the DOC TYPE they want their workers to upload. This will make reporting on document kinds related to records much easier.


  1. New drop down field will appear which includes a list of Document Types that the user has access to (similar to when the user opens up the existing document information page functionality and tries to change the DOC type)

  2. The user that has the Training Management permission should be able to see this field

  3. Any document that is uploaded in Employee Self Service (eSS) to this specific competency will be identified by type that is selected in this drop down.

  4. The default option is TRAIN document type. This means that all existing competencies will be identified as TRAIN (Training)

  5. This should apply to all accounts with access to Training & Qualifications Administration Page. If you can not see this page it will probably be because your user access has not be given the permission to this functionality. 

  6. There is a link underneath the new field that takes the user to our KB article on documents types

  7. Once the document is uploaded, changing the DOC TYPE in the training administration area will not change the already uploaded document/s DOC TYPE. Any changes to the individual employee documents need to be changed via the document information page against the employee file. 

You may also check What documents are visible in eSS?






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