8.34.11 enableHR Tactical Release (20 March 2020)

Username log in improvements - Remove spaces and case sensitivity

Background (FEAT-430)

Usernames will now recognise log in attempts that include spaces before and after the usernames. Case sensitivity has also been removed and will no longer prevent users from signing in. Passwords are not affected by this change. These changes are in line with best practice security trends.

This improvement addresses log in issues where:

  • A user was signed up with a capitalised email address (e.g. “PeterPoisson@org.net”) but they cannot log in with the lowercase version of their email address (e.g. “peterpoisson@org.net”);

  • Copying/pasting usernames from a document adds space characters to the username which makes it unclear as to why a login is failing (e.g. “ marycontrary@org.net    ” instead of “marycontrary@org.net”). 

Passwords will remain case-sensitive and extra spaces before and after are not ignored. This means “MySecretPassword” is not the same as “   MySecretPassword  ”.

Usability improvements to the record selection screen

Background (FEAT-511)

When selecting a record from a checklist or other process, the tabs on a record type selection previously showed in alphabetic order (e.g. “Candidates” first followed by “Employees” and “Volunteers”).

The vast majority of cases for this selection screen concerns "Employees", and so we have changed the order to display the “Employees” tab first in all cases where it would normally appear. All other record types will continue to show in alphabetic order.


Allow enableHR Self Service (eSS) users to see training documents they have uploaded

Background (FEAT-536)

enableHR Self Service (eSS) users are able to upload documents against their own training record, such as certificates, qualifications, photos or other evidence. These documents were previously visible only to their manager. From release 8.34.11 onwards, workers themselves will be able to see documents they have uploaded to support a training or qualification record.

This is to address an issue where an eSS user might have uploaded a supporting document, yet it is not visible to them – causing confusion as to the status of the supporting evidence on their training record.

Workers can no longer update Strategic and Operational Objectives in enableHR Self Service (eSS)

Background (FEAT-662)

enableHR provides the ability for employers to track and drive professional development through enableHR.  This is done through the use of tracking Objectives that are categorised as per the following:

  • Strategic – Long term goals for the organisation or role
  • Operational – Short term goals for the organisation or role
  • Personal – Goals for the worker themselves which may or may not be part of an organisational strategy

Personal, Strategic and Operational Objectives can be created in eSS via the eSS user. From 8.34.11 onwards, all eSS workers can no longer update Strategic and Operational Objectives as these should only be updated by a Manager or the HR team as a part of the Online Performance Reviews process. eSS users can however update their Personal objectives.

Natural ordering on Key Result Areas (KRAs) for Online Performance Reviews (OPR) 

Background (FEAT-675)

The default ordering for the 'KRA title' field (that is allowed to contain both letters and numbers) is sorted and displayed in alphabetical order. This means that A, B, C is ordered in this way as you would expect. However, numbers are treated in the same way as letters, in that anything starting with 1 is shown before anything starting with 2. This means that:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

is actually sorted by our servers as

1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 2, 20, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

From release 8.34.11, KRAs will sort naturally (ie. 1, 2, 3, etc), because while the above may make sense to a computer, the vast majority of users are human beings.

Updating enableHR Self Service (eSS) messages will only email workers when the message or recipient list has been updated

Background (ENAB-3072)

Updating a bulk eSS message previously resulted in a notification email being sent to all users, even if the only change was to add or remove a branch from the message settings. From release 8.34.11, emails will only be sent for the following reasons:

  • A worker has been assigned a message to read (because a branch or record type was added, or the message is new);
  • A worker no longer needs to read a message (because a branch or record type was removed); and
  • The content of a message has changed.

Any other change to an existing eSS message will not email all recipients unnecessarily.