Tasks: How to request documents through eSS

Yes, you can now!

Through release 8.34.4, we've now added new functionality to allow you to ask your workers to provide you with as much documentation as needed at any time through eSS (without the need for a checklist to be started).

If you don't know how to create and assign tasks, you can find the relevant Knowledge Base article here.

1.  Much in the same manner, go to the record for the worker you want to send the task to:


2.  Go to "Notes".




3.  Click "Add Note".



At the bottom of the notes screen, you will see "Next step (Task)" which will by default be set to 'Save as closed'. Click on the drop-down and select "Assign to Worker Name in self service":


4.  Fill in the necessary details to provide the worker with context of what they need to provide and by when.


5.  Now, to make this work, tick the box for "Allow eSS user to attach a document with this task?".


6.  Click "Create Note".

Once this is done, the worker will be sent an eSS task asking them to provide documentation:


Your worker can then hit "Replyand respond to the task. Within their response, they are free to attach as many documents as they want:


Once they are ready to respond and provide the documents, they can hit "Send my reply" to respond and provide the documentation requested.


You as the sender of the task will receive an email notification that you have a new task to respond to. At this point, login to the main application and go to the worker's record to view what they've provided (this will be stored in their "Documents" tab):


Once you've viewed and checked the worker's documentation, go back to the home screen and look at the "Tasks" tab:


Click on the "Title" of the task.



If you're done with the task, click "Complete" to close off the task:


, if you need the worker to provide or better versions of the documentation, click "(Re)assignto assign the task back to the worker for a second round.

With this new functionality, you can now use our Tasks functionality to ask for files and documentation to be provided by your workers through eSS any time, anywhere!


Things to note:

Please note #1: when the document is provided via eSS, the "Document Type" given will be the default "Other Document (DOC)" type.

This was done deliberately so that control over the documents eventual visibility could be left to the Account Administrator / Manager. If the document should be visible in eSS, users can change the document type to anything eSS workers can see (i.e. ESSDOC or ESSFORM).

Otherwise, if the document should not be seen in eSS, the admin user can choose to leave the Document Type as is or change it to another Document Type that is not visible in eSS.

Please note #2: as above, when the worker responds, the task will be visible in the main application under the Tasks tab but as the sender of the task, you may also see the task come up in your Self Service login.

Unless you intend to continue the conversation further, it is recommended that you do not respond in Self Service. Doing so will result in the task being (re)assigned to the employee when the request may already have been met creating a conversation loop.

If you are done with the task, please ensure that you Complete the task in the Tasks tab.