Before proceeding to Step 2: A few scenarios to consider... (Australia Only)

Note: We strongly recommend you contact the Customer Success Team for guidance when setting up Xero Integration.

When setting up the enableHR-Xero integration, please consider which scenario is relevant to your organisation:

A few scenarios...

Using enableHR but not yet Xero - If you are already using enableHR and are in the process of setting up Xero, it is likely that you will need to export your enableHR worker records into Xero.  To do this, you will need to:

  1. Authorise the enableHR-Xero relationship;

  2.  Configure the Branch Integration Keys in enableHR to match the Employee Groups in Xero (if necessary);

  3.  Set up the Authoritative System to be enableHR;

  4.  Select the following options:

      -  Match enableHR "Branches" to Xero "Employment Group" fields;

      -  Allow employee transfers to other branches;

      - Update employees with matching "employee ID numbers" in other branches;

      -  Let the export run (scheduler).


Using enableHR but not yet Xero - If you are already using Xero and are in the process of setting up enableHR, it is likely that you will need to import your Xero worker records into enableHR.  To do this, you will need to:

  1. Authorise the enableHR-Xero relationship;

  2. Configure the Branch Integration Keys in enableHR to match the Employee Groups in Xero (if necessary);

  3. Set up the Authoritative System to be Xero;

  4. Select the following options:

    -  Merge employees by "Name" and "Date of Birth" or "Post Code";

    -  Merge candidates by "Name" and "Date of Birth" or "Post Code";

    -  Match enableHR "Branches" to Xero "Employment Group" fields;

    -  Allow employee transfers to other branches;

    -  Update employees with matching "employee ID numbers" in other branches;

    -  Run the import


Using both enableHR and Xero - If you are actively using enableHR and Xero, it is likely that you have employee data stored in both accounts.  In this case, you will need to carefully think about what your organisation is trying to do with the integration.  It is suggested that you push data from the system that tends to stores the most up-to-date data. 

For instance, if Xero has all the payroll data but the worker record fields (such as name and address etc) are up-to-date in enableHR, you will need to:

  -  Run an on-demand Import from Xero to push the Payroll data into EnableHR, choosing the 3rd option


  -  Run an on-demand Export to Xero to push all data into Xero, selecting the 3rd option too

  -  Now that both systems are synchronised, you will need to decide which one will become the "Source of Truth" and configure the connector accordingly as per these instructions.