Uploading multiple documents in enable Self Service

In enable Self Service, you may occasionally be sent tasks which will allow you to upload documents. Historically, users were only allowed to upload one document at a time. We've just input a new feature which will allow users to upload multiple documents in the one transaction:

Where you have a task that looks like the following, you will occasionally have the ability to 'Upload a document':

When you open up the task, you will see the following screen:

If you choose to click the 'choose a file...' field, it will come up with a document selection window from your local environment for you to upload a document. If multiple documents are necassary, click on the '+ Add another upload' button as many times as you need:

The other fields work in exactly the same fashion as the one before, you would just click on the 'choose a file...' field for it to bring up a document selection window so that you can select any documents needing to be uploaded from your local environment.