If you want to dictate which of your enableHR users can / can't see particular documents, the best way to do that would be to alter the roles assigned to users.
For a quick overview of roles and how to assign them, please reference the article "Why can't I see a particular tab/document??"
Different roles have different document types assigned to them, if the roles (user can have more than one role) assigned to a user doesn't have access to a particular document type, then the document will not appear to that user in enableHR. This gives you another level of control over which users can see what documents.
Below you'll be able to see a list of available document types:
Note: * Indicates the document type is visible in eSS
Document Type | Code |
Agreement | Agreement* |
Application | App |
Capability | CAP |
Certificate | CERT* |
Checks | CHECKS |
Conflict of Interest | COI |
Contract Variation | VAR* |
Other Document | DOC |
Other (WHS) | DOCWHS* |
Enterprise Agreement | EBA |
Employment Contract | EC* |
EMAIL* | |
eSS Doc | ESSDOC* |
eSS Form | ESSFORM* |
Expenses | EXPENSES |
First Aid | FAID |
Employee File | FILE |
Form | Form |
Grievance | GREV |
Training Guide | GUIDE |
Independent Contractor Agreement | ICA |
Induction | IND* |
Insurance Document | INSURANCE |
Identification | ID* |
Individual Flexibility Agreement | IFA |
Interview | INT |
Industrial Relations/Employee Relations | IR |
Individual Transitional Employment Agreement | ITEA |
Letter | LET |
Correspondence (Property) | LETR |
License | LIC* |
External | LINK |
Leave Form | LVE* |
Medical | MED |
Medical Qualification | MEDQUAL |
Memo | MEMO |
Confidentiality Agreement | NDA |
Online Performance Review | OPR* |
Payroll | PAYROLL |
Position Description | PD* |
Performance Management | PERMAN |
Performance Review | PERREV |
Photo | PHOTO* |
Plan | Plan |
Plan (Deprecated) | PLAN_OLD |
Police Check | POLICECHECK |
Policy | Policy* |
Procedure | PROC |
Professional Development | PRODEV |
Professional Registration / Membership | PROF* |
Psychological Test | Psych |
Qualification | QUAL* |
Recruitment | RECR |
References | Ref |
Resume | Resume* |
Safety Data Sheet | SDS |
Sensitive | Sensitive |
Sick Leave | SICKLVE |
Signature | SIG |
Skill | SKL* |
Letter - Salary Review | SRLET |
Super Form | Super |
Taxation Documentation | TAX |
Letter - Termination | TLET |
Training Document | TRAIN* |
ACC Document | WHSACC |
WHS Agenda | WHSAGE |
WHS Checklist | WHSCHE |
Police Check | POLICECHCEK* |
Evaluation | WHSEVAL |
WHS General | WHSGEN |
WHS Guideline | WHSGUI |
WHS - Hearing Test | WHSHT |
WHS Induction | WHSIND |
WHS Medical | WHSMED |
Minutes | WHSMIN |
WHS - Other | WHSOTH |
WHS - Pre-Employment Medical | WHSPEM |
WHS Policy | WHSPOL |
Report | WHSRPT |
WHS - Skin Check | WHSSC |
Safe Work Method Statement | WHSSWMS |
Safework Procedure | WHSSWP |
WHS - Travel Doctor Assessment | WHSTDA |
WHS Template | WHSTEM |
Working With Children Check | WWCC* |
Please note: When uploading a document, you may not necessarily always be able to choose from all the above options. This is again related to the role/s you currently have assigned. Various roles will have the ability to "Approve","Create","Delete","Update","Upload" and/or "View" the document types.When uploading a document, you can categorise the document according to the document types you have available to you. After it is uploaded, if any of your assigned roles has the ability to see the document, it will appear in the folder the document was uploaded in. If none of your roles has the ability to see the document type, then it won't appear.
If you find that you are unable to view, upload or create some documents, most likely it is due to the fact that you don't have a role which allows you to do this. To rectify this contact your account admin and request that your permissions are altered.
If you don't see a role which fits your specific needs, follow the instructions in the above article to create a role you need.
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