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eSS User - Viewing and Acknowledging Tasks & Message in eSS



enable Self Service (eSS) users can navigate to their inbox in eSS by selecting the "Envelope" icon.



The inbox will display any messages that require action. When there are messages that require action, there will be a red circle on the icon to visually notify you and show the number of tasks to be completed.



Messages can include:

Broadcast messages

Broadcast messages from your HR team that require you to read and acknowledge.


A task that your HR team has assigned to you that you are required to respond to.

Training & Qualifications 

Any training and qualification(competencies) requirements that require your action.

Individual Task 

An individual task or message that your HR team has assigned to you that you are required to respond to.


To open any of the messages click on the appropriate button in your Inbox



Viewing and Acknowledging a Message

When you have opened the message, you have the option to review the message and open any documents (if applicable) that may be attached.

Once reviewed, you should select the button titled "I acknowledge I have read this message". Your HR department will have a record of the date/time that you acknowledged this message.



Uploading a Document

Some tasks may require you to upload a document.  Firstly select the "choose a file box.



After you choose the document to upload, please select the "Upload this file" button.  The document will then be uploaded and this task will be completed and be moved to your "Archived" folder.



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