enableHR Software Release 2025.01.30

New Features & Enhancements

User List Report – Include/Exclude Inactive Users

Account Admins now have access to an additional filter for the User List Report by choosing to include or exclude inactive users. A new "Include Inactive Users" filter provides greater flexibility for more relevant reporting.

  • By default, inactive users will be excluded.
  • Improves accuracy and relevance of user reporting.


Org Chart Report Updates

Improvements to the Org Chart Report enhance readability and data accuracy:

  • Updated column order to better align branch details with employee records.
  • New columns added, including Record Branch Legal Name and Record Branch Group Name for better insights.
  • Formatting improvements ensure cleaner data presentation in the Excel & HTML reports.


Candidate Expiry Settings Available in the Setup Options

Admins can now manage automatic expiry of candidate records in the Account Settings > Setup Options tab. Here you can:

  • Enable/disable automatic expiry of candidate records.
  • Set the number of days before a candidate record expires (default: 120 days).
  • Helps maintain a clean and relevant candidate list.


Bug Fixes

Employee List – Linked Branch Records Now Visible

Fixed an issue where employees with linked branches were not appearing in the Employee List unless searched by name. Now, all relevant records display correctly.


Xero Import – New Employee Matching Option

A new Merge Employees by Name and Date of Birth (or Post Code) Ignoring Existing ID option has been introduced to improve Xero import matching:

  • New Checkbox Setting: Enabled by default under Account Settings > Integration > Importers & Integrations > Xero Import.
  • Matches employees using: First Name, Last Name, and either Date of Birth or Post Code.
  • Ignores Payroll ID and External ID, preventing unintended duplication due to ID mismatches.
  • Applies to both manual and scheduled imports.
  • Only one matching method can be selected at a time for accuracy.

This update allows users to be able to manage any mismatches in ID between the two systems. Previously, payroll Id mismatches in Xero led to duplicate or incorrect employee records.


SSO Login Emails – Improved Access for New Candidates

For customers using Single Sign On, self service task emails sent out from the system will now include both SSO Login URL & Standard Login URL, ensuring all new candidates can access their self-service tasks regardless of SSO status.


Employee CSV Import – External ID Preservation

The CSV importer has been updated to prevent accidental overwriting of External IDs when importing employee data.