How do I get my branding to show in my customer’s account?

Within the Partner Administration settings, the 'Branding' tab has been added for Partners to have more flexibility in adding their logo and other communication details. 



To add your branding logo, please follow the steps below:

1.) Navigate to the 'Partner Adminstration' tab on the upper right hand side of the screen.




2.) Click on the 'Branding' tab.





3. ) Click the 'Edit' button, followed by 'Select file' button to choose your company's logo.

Note: Recommendations for best results can be found right below the  'Select file' button too.




 4.) Click the 'Update' button to save.


 5.) After saving, you will see a preview of how your logo will appear on your clients' homepage.





Below shows the new customer's view with the Partner's logo on the upper left hand side:





The enableHR logo can now be found below the 'Close' button:

