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Employee: How do I complete my Online Performance Review in eSS?


Please note: To access Online Performance Reviews (OPR), the employee must have an activated eSS account. If an employee is not an existing enable Self Service (eSS) user, the first time they are assigned an OPR, they will automatically receive an email asking them to register for eSS.

How do I complete my Online Performance Review?

1.  As an employee, you will be prompted to complete a self-assessment as a part of your performance appraisal process. To begin, please login to enable Self Service. Once you have logged in, you will notice a new task in your inbox. Click on the "envelope icon" to navigate to your "Inbox".



2.  You should be able to see a new task for your current self assessment. Please click on "View task".



3.  Once you see the task details, please click on the "Performance Reviews" link to navigate to the reviews section of enable Self Service.



4.  Select the relevant session to initiate your self assessment. The "Overview" page will show you how many "Key Result Areas (KRAs)" you will need to assess. Click "First KRA" to get started.



5.  Please select the relevant rating that best fits your assessment of your performance in relation to the KRA displayed.  You also have the option of including any justification or comments in the "Comments" section below. Click "Next" to proceed to the next KRA.



6.  Repeat the above step until you have selected the outcomes for all of your assigned KRAs. On the final "Submit" page, you will be able to review your submissions before finalising your appraisal. 

Please Note:  You can easily edit your assessment by clicking on the relevant KRA.  Once any edits are complete, you can easily return to the Review page by selecting the "Review and Submit" button.



7.  Once you are satisfied with your self-assessment, please click the "Submit your appraisal" button to finalise your self-assessment.



REMINDER: After the review has been submitted, you can no longer edit your assessment.  You can however access your completed review at any time by simply navigating to the "Me" tab and then click "My Performance Reviews". You can view your responses by clicking on the "View details" button.




When do I receive my Online Performance Review report?


8.  Via Email - Once you have finished your self-assessment, you will need to wait until your Assessor/s have completed their assessment/s.  Once all parties have completed their assessments in relation to your performance, a preliminary report will be automatically generated and sent to your email inbox.  Only yourself as the Employee and your Manager (the Primary Assessor) will receive the report.  Any "Additional Assessors" will not receive the report.

The report is titled "Performance Appraisal Summary" and looks similar to the below:




9.  Via Self Service - You can also review the report from within enable Self Service.  You will need to navigate to your "Inbox" in order to view the relevant new "Task" which will link you to the completed report. 





Final Steps in the Online Performance Review Process


10.  Face-Face Meeting - The next step in the Performance Appraisal process is to meet with your Manager/s face-to-face in order to discuss the ratings and comments contained within your "Performance Appraisal Summary" report.

11.  Manager to Finalise the "Performance Appraisal Summary" Report - 
After this meeting, your Manager (the Primary Assessor) will be prompted to go back into OPR to detail any agreed final outcomes, correct rating/s and provide additional commentary as a result of the discussions in your face-to-face performance review meeting.  At this time, your Manager will also be prompted to document any agreed current and future development objectives.

12.  Final Report - Once this has been completed, a final "Performance Appraisal Summary" report will be distributed to you and your Manager.  This will include all ratings, comments and objectives.



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