When you click through to the Document Information page you will see an option called "Publish the Document".
This will generate a shareable URL link that will allow anyone with the link to download the document.
To generate this link on an existing document, please follow the below steps to publish documents:
1. Find the document in question and click on the name. This will either be located in your ''General Docs'' tab, ''Shared Docs'' tab.
2. Click on the ''Publish this Document'' option.
3. It will come up with a warning to let you know the link can be accessed by anyone after it's published. If you agree, just click ''Publish''.
4. Highlight the published link and post it wherever you may want someone to access it.
Note: Only someone who knows the unique URL can download the document. This can be useful to include on a company intranet to allow employees who aren't users of enableHR access a document that is stored on the system.