WHS Reporting

There are a number of pre-configured reports available where all WHS registers and records can be exported into .csv files for business specific reporting and data manipulation:

  • Emergency Contacts;
  • Consultations Report;
  • Incident Register;
  • Risk Register;
  • Health and Safety Representative Register;
  • Hazard Register

 Please Note: A user will first need access to the Reporting section via a role such as Account Admin.





How to generate a WHS report

There are two ways to access WHS Reports:

  Click on the 'Reporting'option in your collapsible side menu.



2. From the WHS Management Dashboard, click on the 'Dashboard' drop down menu on the top right of your screen.  Then select 'Work, Health and Safety dashboard'.




Once you are on the Dashboard, you then click on 'Reporting'.