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User Access Control via Branches


In addition to roles, users need to be granted access to the branches that they have permission to view. For example, line managers in different departments may be responsible for maintaining their employee's files but should not be able to view the files of employees in other departments. In this case, each user will need to have the appropriate branch assigned in order to ensure proper access.

This functionality helps you define the sections of the business a User can access.

NOTE:  News Users will be granted access to all available branches if you have ticked the 'Grant Access to All' box when creating the record
  1. Click on 'Settings in the top right hand corner
  2. Click on Account Settings which is located under Settings
  3. Click the Security tab
  4. Select the user
  5. Click the Access Control tab
  6. Click the Branches tab
  7. Click the Edit button. This will automatically then change to an Update button.
  8. Select branches you would like the User to access OR de-select branches not required
  9. Click Update to lock in the changes

Branch Access.png


For more information about how you can control what a User can see in your account, see Overview of User Access Controls

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