How can we help you?

WHS Resources Tab


The 'WHS Resources' tabs are intended to provide businesses and users with access to the overarching documents and templates designed to assist businesses with the set-up of the organisation's Workplace, Health and Safety management system.


WHS Minimum Standards

This tab provides links to key legislation, regulations, publications and guides.  These reference links are kept up-to-date by enableHR.




WHS Templates

This tab provides access to templates developed by enableHR for businesses to customise.  Please note that only users with the 'WHS Administrator' access role security permission can see this tab in enableHR.  Please refer to  the "WHS Module Access and Roles" article for more information.




Our WHS Templates

This tab provides a storage area for businesses to save and manage their own WHS templates.



Contractor WHS Templates

This tab is “mirrored” in the 'Contractor' Module so that any documents saved in this area will automatically be available to users who manage Contractors via the 'Contractor' Module in enableHR.





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