enableHR allows the clients to set a company or branch specific letterhead at both the account or branch level. Occasionally, you may find that the letterhead has overlapped with the contents of your generated document. In this case, some manual adjustment may be necessary to ensure that the document is presentable.
Part One – Locating the Account Settings Page
1. After logging into enableHR, navigate on ''Settings" and click on ''Account Settings”.
2. From ''Account Details'' tab, click on "Branding" tab followed by the ''Edit'' button.
Part Two – Updating the Account/Branch Letterhead settings
1. Go to the bottom of the page where the ''Margins - Pages with Letterhead'' and ''Margins - Pages without Letterhead'' fields are located. Adjust the required settings as necessary, then click the ''Update'' button.
2. Underneath the ''Letterhead'' section, select the appropriate document template and click ''Preview Template'' to view an example.
3. If the settings are still not as desire, repeat steps 1-2, until user reaches the desired settings.