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ERMS - How to get Started



For everything you need to know about the ERMS powered by enableHR, check out our Onboarding Guide. 

Citation-HR-ID-Swirl-Main - 500px.png  enableHR Guide: enableHR Onboarding & Account Setup Guide


To skip some of the background info and jump straight into setting up your account, take a look at our Account Setup Article:

Citation-HR-ID-Swirl-Main - 500px.png  enableHR Account Setup: Getting you up and running


Already setup your basics and want to take it to the next level? Take a look at our article on how to setup some of the additional features:

Citation-HR-ID-Swirl-Main - 500px.png  enableHR Account Setup: Additional Features; training your managers; launch to your employees


Already got everything set up and want some tips on how to use enableHR?

Citation-HR-ID-Swirl-Main - 500px.png  Empowering Managers with enableHR


Feeling like you need some training on how to use enableHR? Join our fortnightly training session:

Citation-HR-ID-Swirl-Main - 500px.png  Register here! Or watch it on demand here!


Or if you need a bit more assistance, purchase one of our training packages that can be tailored to your needs:

Citation-HR-ID-Swirl-Main - 500px.png  LINK



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