You and your business can easily access a summary of all tickets submitted to enableHR's Client Support team. There is no need to search through your inbox to locate a specific ticket as all ticket information is readily available through the Knowledge Base where you can liaise directly with our Client Support specialists in relation to all of your enableHR questions.
Brand new users of Client Support will need to contact enableHR in order to have their details verified before you can use this feature. However, once you are verified and are an active user of Client Support, the process of accessing your submitted tickets is straightforward.
Verified Users
Verified user can follow the instructions below in order to access the ticket portal:
1. Click on the "Sign In" button on the top right hand corner of the Knowledge Base.
Alternatively, if you're already logged in enableHR system, simply click "Get Help" then "Support Knowledge Base":
2. As the enableHR system and our Knowledge Base are integrated, you will be prompted to log in with your enableHR credentials.
3. Once you have logged in, your username should be displayed in the top right hand corner to indicate that you are signed in. If not, please click the 'Sign In' button a second time to verify. Please click on the drop down menu and select 'My Activities'.
4. Under "My Requests", all tickets that have been submitted by you to enableHR's Client Experience team via will be displayed in a list.
The list will provide you with the following information:
- View a summary of all submitted tickets
- Ticket ID Number
- Ticket Subject Line
- Last Activity - The date indicates when the ticket was last updated or resolved
Under "Requests I'm CC'd on", you can view the tickets that have been submitted by your colleagues who have CC'd you in on the ticket.
5. You can "Search Requests" by typing key terms or the ticket ID into the search bar in order to quickly locate specific tickets.
6. When you click on a ticket link, you are can do the following:
- View the details and history of the ticket
- View who submitted the ticket and the date of submission
- View which Client Support Officer is assigned to the ticket to resolve
- View the priority level of the ticket
- Access and download all attachments against the ticket
- Identify who was CC'd on the ticket
- Update or Comment on Open Tickets - You can update and comment on tickets that are have an "Open" status. Any new comments and attachments will sent be sent directly to enableHR's Client Experience team for resolution.
- Solved Tickets - Tickets that have a status of "Solved" are closed and do not accept any new comments. You can however open a new ticket via the "Submit a Request" button.
Unverified Users
If you are new to enableHR and have submitted your first ticket/s via email, you will need to contact Client Support and request that your profile be verified before you can see the above details. You will need to confirm your name and email address.
You will receive an email prompting you to verify yourself as a user. Once complete, you will be able to access your ticket activities as per the above instructions.
Is it possible to view all tickets submitted by other members of my organisation?
Client Support can update the permission on your user account for you to view all the tickets submitted by all the verified users of your organisation. You can contact Client Support and request for this change.
Once your permission is updated, an ''Organization requests'' tab will be available for you to see all the tickets submitted by your organisation:
Need Assistance?
Please contact Client Support for assistance.